VIRTUOSOS GUITARRISTAS Blog on The Great Kat!! "Considered in the group of the 10 fastest guitarists of all the time by Guitar One Magazine. Kat changed from the violin to the electric guitar to create music, which is the most crazily fast and horrifying of the world, a mixture of Classical music and speed metal.  The most demented guitarist on the planet." -Virtuosos Guitarristas Blog
The Great Kat - 5 discos

Fue considerada en el grupo de los 10 guitarristas más veloces de todos los tiempos por la
revista Guitar One. Kat o The Great Kat (Katherine Thomas) a los 15 años daba giras
mundiales como virtuosa violinista pero luego cambió el violín por la guitarra eléctrica
para crear la música más enloquecidamente veloz y espeluznante de este mundo, una mezcla de
música clásica y speed metal. The Great Kat nació en Inglaterra pero reside en Nueva York.La
guitarrista más demente que existe sobre este planeta.

01.Beethoven on Speed

02.Worship Me Or Die

03.Wagner’s War

04.Rossini’s Rape

05.Bloody Vivaldi
The Great Kat - 5 CDs
Considered in the group of the 10 fastest guitarists of all the time by Guitar One Magazine. Kat or The Great Kat (Katherine Thomas) at 15 years old gave world-wide tours as a virtuoso violinist, but soon changed from the violin to the electric guitar to create music, which is the most crazily fast and horrifying of the world, a mixture of Classical music and speed metal. The Great Kat was born in England but resides in New York. The most demented guitarist on the planet.
01.Beethoven on Speed

02.Worship Me Or Die

03.Wagner’s War

04.Rossini’s Rape

05.Bloody Vivaldi



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