ISAAC NEWTON, English Physicist, Mathematician, Father of Modern Science, who DEVELOPED the LAW OF GRAVITY and declared "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants"!
ISAAC NEWTON, English Physicist, Mathematician, Father of Modern Science, who DEVELOPED the LAW OF GRAVITY and declared "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants"!
ISAAC NEWTON was born on Jan. 4, 1643 in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England. His father died before he was born. His mother remarried and left 3 year old Isaac to live with his grandmother, leaving a severe psychological scar on Isaac.
Newton's uncle was a graduate of the University of Cambridge and encouraged Isaac to study there. He entered Cambridge in 1661 and discovered the work of Rene Descartes (French Mathematician, Writer, Academic, Scientist). Newton was also influenced by Galileo, Copernicus and Robert Boyle (Father of Chemistry).  Newton developed the binomial theorem, fractional powers of algebraic expression. By 1665, Newton developed the method for finding slopes of curves, now known as DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS. The plague caused the university to close and Newton went home between 1666 and 1667. It's in the period that Newton changed history by experimenting with passing sunlight through a prism (which led to the development of optics) and studying the theory of gravity, analyzing whether the same force that causes an apple to fall also affects the Moon. Newton himself said that in Woolsthorpe between 1666 and 1667, he saw an apple falling and that led to his theory of gravity.
Newton built the first reflecting telescope in 1668. In 1672, Newton sent his paper to the Royal Society (the leading British scientific society) proving that white is a mixture of all colors. He also sent one of his telescopes to the Royal Society. The members were impressed, which led Newton to write a paper describing his experiments on light. The scientists Robert Hooke and Christiaan Huygens VICIOUSLY ATTACKED Newton for his findings. Newton tried to defend himself, but was only attacked even more. It is in one of his letters to Robert Hooke, that Isaac Newton stated the famous line "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."
The astronomer Edmund Halley (of "Halley's Comet" fame) urged Newton to publish his laws of motion. In 1687, Newton published the famous "PHILOSOPHIAE NATURALIS PRINCIPIA MATHEMATICA", which described his laws of gravity and motion and is considered the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT BOOK ON PHYSICS and perhaps ALL SCIENCE. Newton states how gravity explains the falling of objects on earth as well as the motion of the planets, comets and other objects. This publication includes Newton's famous 3 Laws of Motion:
LAW #1: INERTIA - A stationary body tends to stay stationary unless an external force is applied.
LAW #2: The FORCE on an object is equal to the Mass Times Acceleration.
LAW #3: For every ACTION there is an equal and opposite REACTION.
After Hooke and Huygens died, Newton published "Opticks" in 1704.  In 1705, Isaac Newton became the first scientist to be knighted (by Queen Anne) and became SIR Isaac Newton.
In 1727, Newton began feeling ill with abdominal pain. He blacked out and never recovered. Newton died on March 31, 1727 in London at the age of 85. By that time, Newton was extremely respected. He received a huge funeral and was the first scientist to be buried in Westminster Abbey.
Issac Newton was one of the leaders of the 17th century Scientific Revolution and is considered as one of the greatest scientist who ever lived.
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